NFC Smart Poster example

If the end‑user presents a Smart Poster tag to the reader, with Read‑a‑Card configured in this way, the appropriate web page will be displayed.

Smart poster tap and educate logo

The steps are:

  1. Card Type tab - change the default from Select icon All Cards, if you only want Read-a-Card to react to certain card types.

  2. Reader Type tab - change the default from Select icon All supported PC/SC Contactless Card Readers only if you want to restrict the readers to use.

  3. Format tab - choose 'Plug‑in: NFC Decoder' from the Card ID source dropdown list.

  4. Action tab - choose Select icon Launch URL (in web browser), setting the URL to %n.

    (When using the NFC Decoder %n represents the URI and %c any content from the Smart Poster text field. These fields can be used in a Launch URL or Run command on this tab, or as part of the Advanced Keyboard Format template on the Format tab.)